
Muti-media installation
Size Variable
October 2023


This artwork serves as a window, utilizing projection devices and integrated players to depict the perplexities of digital nomads and contemporary youth. In the face of the rapid development of internet society and societal shifts, the increasing prevalence of digital nomads cannot be ignored. Significant social events, such as the pandemic, have led to a profound redefinition of digital nomadism. The challenge lies in how to reinterpret this contemporary lifestyle through the lens of artistic creation.

I employed 3D modeling to construct a temple with a screen that allows glimpses into the damaged structures within the building, mirroring the unclear external understanding of the current definition of digital nomadic communities. The contradiction between internal and external perspectives requires a window for visibility.

Safehouse 1, London, United Kingdom.

Exhibitions and Awards

This piece participated in the "Time Collision" exhibition organized by Art Connected at Safehouse in London, emerging as the most acclaimed work during the event. The artist was invited to partake in interviews with renowned artists and was honored with the Outstanding Artist Award after the conclusion of the exhibition.