嘘 | A lie

Film project
Size Variable; 3’44”
June 2021


This film is an experimental exploration that delves into existential themes, set against the backdrop of an abandoned factory in Beijing. The narrative centers around a worker deeply entangled in the haunting presence of ghosts, lost in the desolation of ruins. His sole reliance is on a kerosene lamp in his hand, guiding him towards self-awareness and the path leading to an exit.

Employing contemporary experimental visual techniques, the work reimagines the concept of "ghosts," drawing inspiration from various literary works. These ghosts, intertwined with human history, provoke profound reflections on consumption, symbolism, nostalgia, imitation, and the potential stagnation of the future. Only by respecting and acknowledging these "ghosts" in our lives can we coexist with their melancholic and negative elements, ultimately transcending them and finding a path toward enlightenment.

The film conveys a unique interpretation of existential themes, aiming to prompt deep reflections on self-awareness, the human journey, and the trajectory of the future. Through the desolate setting of an abandoned factory and thought-provoking elements of ghosts, I hope to guide the audience toward profound contemplation of these themes.

This work was selected as an outstanding graduation piece at Central Saint Martins in 2021 and was exhibited. Beijing, China.