
Projection installation
Size Variable; 1080p
January 2023


Urbanism may be hollow and chaotic, but it continues to evolve. Residents of the city, having experienced the cold rationalism, find themselves in a sprawling urban system during the dormant nights. The neon lights and restless individuals become the epitaph of the vacant city design. Ultimately, the stagnant city affirms the prophecy of negative urbanism: the future is slowly being erased, and the so-called future is nothing more than a repetition of each present moment.

In terms of form, I use projections to suspend city images, letting them float in the air. Creating a non-existent context: a branch symbolizing the natural environment slowly intrudes into the city's projection. However, we all know the situation is quite the opposite; the city is unrestrainedly expanding its power. As residents living in the gap between the two, we inevitably witness the arrival of "colder urbanism."

Selected by the Floater curatorial team, the artwork was exhibited at the Bomb Factory in Covent Garden, London, UK.

The project is a large-scale projection installation that explores urban landscapes through the contrasting changes of natural sunlight and projector light.